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Final Thoughts on our Trip

Our last night, we came together to reflect on the trip. It was valuable dabbling in a little of everything because we got exposure to so many different populations that we didn’t know we would like. We had the opportunity to see so many different environments. We spoke with many homeless people who could feel that we cared, we packed many lunches, sorted many books, helped refugees learn English, and represented Aurora University in Cleveland. We met so many great and inspirational professionals!

We liked looking at the different populations, issues in society and how they affect people differently. Some issues are more advanced than others. We loved hearing about the professional’s backgrounds and why they went into the non-profits. Nick of the Cleveland Leadership Center was so accommodating and organized for us to see all the various things we were interested in. He was clearly invested in us and wanted us to have a good trip. Lastly, a major highlight was being able to get to know other students from Aurora University and bond as a group.

One take away we took is that we often compared the organizations back to what we have to offer in Aurora. Many organizations were new and started off of a spark of an idea. Although they started small, they grew with the help of collaborations with other organizations and the support of the community. We feel inspired to get involved in our own community and the organizations Aurora, IL has to offer.

If you are thinking about going on an alternative trip break, we definitely recommend the Cleveland Leadership Center! You get to connect with the people you are helping, learn about various populations, and make great connections with professionals in fantastic organizations. We also met some other students from across the nation and were able to build friendships with them, too! It was a valuable adventure. We now have had exposure to working on a team, being both behind the scenes and with different populations, and exploring diverse areas that we might not have thought about before. This experience can surprise you. You may discover more about yourself and what you can do!

- Laura, Liz, Naima, Hailey, Victoria, Frankie, Mario, Deon, and Chris

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