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Day 4 - A Fun Day in Cleveland

We had a break day today where we had the opportunity to explore the Cleveland area. We slept in a little because although we are only half way through, we are tired! We headed to The Melt restaurant and enjoyed some delicious specialty grilled cheese sandwiches. Then we went to GV Art and Design and gawked at all the amazing art on the walls and shirts. We also headed to a vegan cafe in the area and enjoyed some coffee.

For the afternoon, we hopped in the bus and went to the Cleveland Museum of Art and spent the next several hours looking at the beautiful art pieces. We loved seeing the Monet "Water Lilies" and the Van Gogh paintings, as well as the different cultural artworks displayed.

We headed home, cooked some stir fry, and ate dinner together before reflection. We had a lot of laughs and bonded as a group today. Bonding together was a high of the day for many of us. Also, we enjoyed sight seeing in Cleveland. We feel refreshed after our break day, and we're ready for the next two serving days!

-Laura, Liz, Naima, Victoria, Chris, Frankie, Deon, Hailey, and Mario

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