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Day 2 - Our first serving experiences

Updated: Mar 8, 2019

This morning, we headed to 2100 Lakeside Men's Shelter. We were shown the emergency bed space, the more independent living space, and so on. In speaking with the facilitators, we were enlightened to how most of the Cleveland population was not privy to the services there and even within the homeless population, many may come to the men's shelter for the emergency bed but not want the other resources they have to offer. They also have counseling, VA services, help with addictions, and help with job search and housing. It was a very humbling experience. Deon, our faculty adviser, was playing dominos with one gentlemen who had been a DJ and also a janitor at a school. He unfortunately experienced a medical difficulty, was put on disability and lost his job and housing. His story helped her and us understand how homelessness can happen to anyone.

In the afternoon, we headed to the Boys & Girls Club. We toured the facility and were able to play with the kids and help them with their homework. Many of the kids were quite outgoing and open to us being there. They wanted to know our names, where we came from, and asked us to play games like pool with them. They have many spaces and opportunities for the kids, including an art room, garden, and a full recording studio where they can learn how to play instruments and record themselves rapping and playing music. As Franky put it, the program keeps the kids off the streets, provides them with a academic support and emotional support, and can take some financial burden off of homes in the sense of providing extra care.

For dinner, a local young professional and lawyer, Katie. It was helpful for Hailey to receive some advice and insight from someone with another perspective and she feels a sense of relief about her future choices and career.

We're humbled by our experiences today and are looking forward to what the rest of the week has in store!

-Laura, Liz, Frankie, Deon, Mario, Chris, Victoria, Naima, Hailey

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